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De-clutter and make space — Feel your best self

Over the next few days I’ll be clearing out some clutter. Bits and bobs I’ve accumulated in my home and just don’t use.

With the full moon approaching it’s the perfect time to check in and get rid of what no longer is of use or serves you.

I believe that by using the moons cycle to set aside time to de-clutter it means you can keep this process regular. Regular time to de clutter is essential if you don’t want things to mount up and feel overwhelmed to deal with. This process can also be used to get rid of non-physical things too. Delete old emails, unfollow Instagram accounts that don’t make you feel great, ditch some habits that aren’t helping you to feel your best self. Think of the whole process as making space. Space for new things in your life and home and space for new more useful habits to take place. Set your intentions and believe in them. I know this already seems overwhelming. My advice is to tackle just one or two things at a time. De-clutter just one room or even just one drawer. If there are several habits you want to change, focus on just one during this moon cycle. A moon cycle is 29 days by the way! So, you could think of this as a once a month ritual if that works for you better.

The Full Moon represents a cycle of completion and allows us to release and let go of energy. Releasing and letting go during the Full Moon will give you a freeing energy. The next full moon falls on the 27th February 2021.

I love to use my Slow Moon eye pillow to help me set my intentions and manifest on all the details to come true. Placing it over your eyes helps you focus and block out distraction. Give it a try!

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MK, United Kingdom

Lovely, sustainable and thoughtful products from a wonderfully creative small business. I love my eye pillow (which doubles up as a hot water bottle for my period pain) and the toiletries bag was the perfect Christmas gift. And the designs are delightful!

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